FANTASTI'CS Pilar Alberdi Worlds Epic announced the departure of Land Esmeralda. Magic Sphere in his series devoted to young people. The first chapter can be downloaded for free. "A world of legend where numerous characters face the dark world represented by Ténebrus and his henchmen. While in the Land of Emerald residents have realized that a book is worth a library and a person like all of them, into the murky world surrounding darkness lurks at every turn. Can an older teenagers and restore hope to the towns? And what do you do with this story Tilsmans these young fliers? ". So the publisher has epic world to market the Land
Esmeralda. Magic Sphere , Pilar Alberdi, work belonging to the Junior Series. The curious can read the first chapter here
Cicle HERE.
TO TALK WITH THE AUTHOR You can leave messages Pilar Alberdi in the Land of Emerald
blog . There appears all information concerning the book (reviews, presentations, interviews).