My story "Sea salt " appeared in issue No. 111 Miniature , directed by Ricardo Acevedo E. and Carmen R. Signes Urrea, a dossier on "Swords and sorcery, with authors from Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, United States, Spain, South Africa, Peru, Israel, England, Ireland and Colombia. The cover illustration is of Fraga (Mexico). In Argentina, Pablo Martinez Burkett presents the story "The Necklace Gram" and the article "World Fantasy Swords," and there are stories of Sara Lew ("Five steps to a sacrifice"), Juan Guinot ("Reverse Edge"), Major Lee Taviani ("The woman seeking the vortex of God"), Patricia Naselle ("Losing a fight"), Ernesto Parrilla ("The road to redemption") and Juan Manuel Valitutti ( Alas the wind. ") Who have a presence in more than one story are the Argentines Esteban Blowfly ("Sorcerers have died," "The Ceremony" and "Escape"), Chilean Sebastian ("The Sword", "Gold in the bowels" and " Beast ") and Ana Maria Shua (" The Lurker "," trapeze artist "," Catullus: prayers served "," Bodies "and" The Gypsy "). The full edition can be downloaded HERE .
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Playstation 3 Audio Output Not In Surround
By José María Marcos (*)
dilated afternoon heat in the humid pampas.
-storm is coming, "said Aunt Jorja, while drinking mate sitting on the chairs in the garden, we will find the salt.
The imitated when he joined, and walked toward the house. She knew some issues and I knew better than anyone else hear some voices silenced.
-I dreamed of a whirlwind and very destructive, "he explained, when looking in the cupboard jar orange staining. Here, "he said when he finally took the pot that years later someone shot at an oversight.
went to the bottom, accompanied by our dog Batuque, and I saw was a cross of salt on the ground and muttering prayers.
I tried to pay attention to what he said, but only heard his words mingle and talk with the wind.
At dawn, I looked out the window of my room and I could see the heat content of the night. My parents slept. In the distance we saw Refucilo, but no rain. Jorja
Aunt died a few years later and since then I suspect that perhaps the past is just a sad invention.
Today I feel pleasure to visit uninhabited places. No witnesses, hopefully throw rock salt.
Sometimes I perceive the gods, in a breeze or movement of trees, and smiled.
still can not decipher their signals. But I hope that the old wisdom is always there to be discovered. To reveal. At the stalking.
(*) The story is part of the edition No. 111 of Miniature , devoted to the genre shortly fantastic.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
B/m Versus C/d Shoe Sizes
Miniature World
Cracks in the architecture of
By José María Marcos
Exclusive INSOMNIA (*)
Argentine writer Alberto Ramponelli interesting work has been developing strongly linked to the best Latin American fantastic literature from the perspective of the poet Maria Negroni, is "derived from the literature Gothic ( fantastic Gallery, 2009). Moron
Born in 1950, the author has created fictions where arcane ways of seeing the world interact, complement and collide with reason, and has published five titles: the story books From the side there (1990) and A custom Oceania (2006) and The last fire novels (2001), comes with night (2005) and Notes for a biography (2009). Ramponelli
edited the magazine Other doors (1993-1997) and coordinates writing workshops since 1985. Clarín Award finalist for Best Novel (1998) and received the Third Award of City of Cordoba Luis Tejada (2007). The National Arts Fund (FNA) distinguished him in Fiction (1996 and 2008) and Carol (1998 and 2004), and chose to integrate anthology 50 th Anniversary of the FNA (2008). He lives in Moron, is married and has three children (Javier, Augustine and Stephen). Speaking to
INSOMNIA , told how his training, gave an overview of his five books, talked about the importance of fantasy literature, said Stephen King "has an enviable narrative grip I've seen very few writers" and referred to the recent adaptation drama of his story "Labyrinth." He stressed that his teachers were Jorge Luis Borges, William Faulkner and Franz Kafka.
The full interview HERE
(*) Insomnia No. 161. May 2011.
Cracks in the architecture of
By José María Marcos
Exclusive INSOMNIA (*)
Argentine writer Alberto Ramponelli interesting work has been developing strongly linked to the best Latin American fantastic literature from the perspective of the poet Maria Negroni, is "derived from the literature Gothic ( fantastic Gallery, 2009). Moron
Born in 1950, the author has created fictions where arcane ways of seeing the world interact, complement and collide with reason, and has published five titles: the story books From the side there (1990) and A custom Oceania (2006) and The last fire novels (2001), comes with night (2005) and Notes for a biography (2009). Ramponelli
edited the magazine Other doors (1993-1997) and coordinates writing workshops since 1985. Clarín Award finalist for Best Novel (1998) and received the Third Award of City of Cordoba Luis Tejada (2007). The National Arts Fund (FNA) distinguished him in Fiction (1996 and 2008) and Carol (1998 and 2004), and chose to integrate anthology 50 th Anniversary of the FNA (2008). He lives in Moron, is married and has three children (Javier, Augustine and Stephen). Speaking to
INSOMNIA , told how his training, gave an overview of his five books, talked about the importance of fantasy literature, said Stephen King "has an enviable narrative grip I've seen very few writers" and referred to the recent adaptation drama of his story "Labyrinth." He stressed that his teachers were Jorge Luis Borges, William Faulkner and Franz Kafka.
The full interview HERE
(*) Insomnia No. 161. May 2011.
Alberto Ramponelli at 37 º Feria del Libro de Buenos Aires (2011). |
Women's Wrestling Holiday Camp
Ramponelli Alberto Alberto Ramponelli: the promise of that dream sleep there if we accept
By José María Marcos
Exclusive INSOMNIA (*)
María Negroni says the writer in his fantastic gallery (Siglo XXI, 2009): "I read the literature Latin America as a drift of gothic fiction. In this corpus are contained and feverish night, in fact, all motives and obsessions that make the fantastic Latin America a new form of resistance to the prison of reason and common sense. Originally, you know, Gothic coincides with the Enlightenment and the geometries of knowledge. It is best said, his dark side, crack in the architecture of the order, opens to prevent the calcification of the meaning and hierarchy of thought. "
The published works of Alberto Ramponelli-composed of three novels and two sets of accounts, can be read from this matrix, as ominous and sinister act as nuclei of the main stories in orbs where reality is always about to crumble and the reason is but a pretext to justify the irrational, while some characters hide unspeakable crimes or, well, have a double life.
a greater or lesser extent this happens in his five books, but in the three novels can be seen more clearly.
The last fire in (2001), Ramponelli combines three classic themes: vampires, the Faustian pact and double. Accompanying a character who wants to leave behind his past and calls himself "Carlos Olmos," the story takes place in an uncertain world of fantasy created under the Circo Romero. Concealing his identity, Olmos is tempted to exist in an area where a vampire steals the memories to make themselves and thus live forever in past times. Romero is a special monster, takes advantage of the last fire of old artists, who offered the illusion of eternal youth in the sands of his circus. Olmos discover this terrible secret and faces the dilemma of delivering his past (and stop being, as we are also what we have been), or, well, face the monster and a past that still awaits.
comes in the night (2004), the author presents the story of a girl killed during Argentina's military dictatorship (1976-1983) and addresses the crime and impunity describing rows of chain between individual and collective. One witness (who stopped by the fault does not intervene in time) and her daughter will be marked down their lives for this murder, because no one can have a vision of hell and come out with your soul intact. So the only way to achieve some peace is justice. But who fight against the father and daughter? Ramponelli the archaic voice warns: "Witches, were called in antiquity. Bruges, also calls now. O 'mentalists'. (...). Holders of the keys that open the gates of the netherworld, knowledgeable advance of becoming, makers of calamities and misfortunes, but also of the alleged happiness (at what cost?). "
In Notes for a biography (2009), Ramponelli run of this record, but not abandoning the Gothic look and deluded from reality, to introduce a complex character: Edward Echenique who, disguised as militant left, tries to develop a project that will transform esoteric bases in Argentina. "Phantom of ghosts, if any, Echenique is recreated by insiders, by witnesses and various speeches that, as we portray the character's personality, tell a story and the back of the world of cults, both political and esoteric operating in the shadows and we are all too familiar. Far
and manners of magical realism which seeks to pigeonhole Argentina fantasy literature in these three novels we can see that, perhaps, the best stories seem hopelessly disturbing our dreams. Because it is a literature-and again in the words of María Negroni, which leads to "improve the quality of the questions, let us, at the end of reading, with a hurtful and liberating insight: the promise that there will be sleep , provided we accept dream. "
Ironically, the originality of the work of Alberto Ramponelli late in addressing the age-old theme of fear and its opposite, desire, forging fictions uncomfortable operating in a territory that speaks to the present and enrich the best of world literature.
(*) Insomnia No. 161. May 2011. HERE
Exclusive INSOMNIA (*)
María Negroni says the writer in his fantastic gallery (Siglo XXI, 2009): "I read the literature Latin America as a drift of gothic fiction. In this corpus are contained and feverish night, in fact, all motives and obsessions that make the fantastic Latin America a new form of resistance to the prison of reason and common sense. Originally, you know, Gothic coincides with the Enlightenment and the geometries of knowledge. It is best said, his dark side, crack in the architecture of the order, opens to prevent the calcification of the meaning and hierarchy of thought. "
The published works of Alberto Ramponelli-composed of three novels and two sets of accounts, can be read from this matrix, as ominous and sinister act as nuclei of the main stories in orbs where reality is always about to crumble and the reason is but a pretext to justify the irrational, while some characters hide unspeakable crimes or, well, have a double life.
a greater or lesser extent this happens in his five books, but in the three novels can be seen more clearly.
The last fire in (2001), Ramponelli combines three classic themes: vampires, the Faustian pact and double. Accompanying a character who wants to leave behind his past and calls himself "Carlos Olmos," the story takes place in an uncertain world of fantasy created under the Circo Romero. Concealing his identity, Olmos is tempted to exist in an area where a vampire steals the memories to make themselves and thus live forever in past times. Romero is a special monster, takes advantage of the last fire of old artists, who offered the illusion of eternal youth in the sands of his circus. Olmos discover this terrible secret and faces the dilemma of delivering his past (and stop being, as we are also what we have been), or, well, face the monster and a past that still awaits.
comes in the night (2004), the author presents the story of a girl killed during Argentina's military dictatorship (1976-1983) and addresses the crime and impunity describing rows of chain between individual and collective. One witness (who stopped by the fault does not intervene in time) and her daughter will be marked down their lives for this murder, because no one can have a vision of hell and come out with your soul intact. So the only way to achieve some peace is justice. But who fight against the father and daughter? Ramponelli the archaic voice warns: "Witches, were called in antiquity. Bruges, also calls now. O 'mentalists'. (...). Holders of the keys that open the gates of the netherworld, knowledgeable advance of becoming, makers of calamities and misfortunes, but also of the alleged happiness (at what cost?). "
In Notes for a biography (2009), Ramponelli run of this record, but not abandoning the Gothic look and deluded from reality, to introduce a complex character: Edward Echenique who, disguised as militant left, tries to develop a project that will transform esoteric bases in Argentina. "Phantom of ghosts, if any, Echenique is recreated by insiders, by witnesses and various speeches that, as we portray the character's personality, tell a story and the back of the world of cults, both political and esoteric operating in the shadows and we are all too familiar. Far
and manners of magical realism which seeks to pigeonhole Argentina fantasy literature in these three novels we can see that, perhaps, the best stories seem hopelessly disturbing our dreams. Because it is a literature-and again in the words of María Negroni, which leads to "improve the quality of the questions, let us, at the end of reading, with a hurtful and liberating insight: the promise that there will be sleep , provided we accept dream. "
Ironically, the originality of the work of Alberto Ramponelli late in addressing the age-old theme of fear and its opposite, desire, forging fictions uncomfortable operating in a territory that speaks to the present and enrich the best of world literature.
(*) Insomnia No. 161. May 2011. HERE
Why Does My Dog Eat Pads
Saturday, April 30, 2011
How Do Boats Fuel In The Atlantic Ocean
Farewell to Ernesto Sabato
June 24, 1911 - April 30, 2011
I thank you letter One and the universe (1945), Tunnel (1948), Men and gear (1951), On Heroes and Tombs (1961) and ghost writer and (1963), among others works, and dismissed with the words that he imagined for his tombstone in Abaddon the destroyer (1974):
Ernesto Sabato
wanted to be buried in this land
with a single word in his grave
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Inflamed Swollen Knee
a Metaphor
Weissel Monica works were exhibited in School of Psychology National University of Buenos Aires . The exhibition incorporates text from José María Marcos.
Monica The artist presented Weissel the series "metaphor of solitude", consisting of works "Where I come from, where am I going", "Stranger to what," "Last Train", "Liquid" and "Everyday" in the framework of the V Conference on Clinical Chair of the Emergency that developed in the School of Psychology UBA (Hipólito Irigoyen 3242, Buenos Aires), between Friday 29 and Saturday April 30, 2011.
Born in 1973 and based in Europe since 2001, Weissel Monica is a graphic artist, animator and multimedia artist (collage, digital photo montage.) Through experimentation with digital objects and exquisite corpse, in his work highlights the observation of femininity, as a reference and as a world power misunderstood. Thematized the uprooting of the nation itself and that was the fear of rejection and lack of consideration and the difficulty of integrating the experienced as a contribution to the sought.
Brussels, Buenos Aires or any other city are the metaphor of a solitude inhabited in a dream memory. And as Bet time to bury all memories forged some images to tell us about what we think we have forgotten.
Under the streets of the city-metaphor, deserts or swamps or forests remind us that true communication, in the words of Emil Cioran, is the exchange
without words that looks like a prayer inside.
without words that looks like a prayer inside.
José María Marcos, on the work of Monica Weissel.
Nelida Alvarez (Footprints in the Art Gallery) and Lorena Hojman (curator and professor of Professional Practice Emergency Clinic), along with the work of Monica Weissel. |
Friday, April 15, 2011
Mauri Desert Eagle Gold
lonely ghosts, zombies and grim houses
horror writer, journalist for twenty years and editor of the weekly current Ezeiza's Word, José María Marcos tells us about his latest book always hungry ghosts on entrepreneurship Bite editorial Dead and the relationship that journalism and terror. Gary Holt interview to Generation XXI (*)
Ghosts, zombies and grim houses do not seem to be a material with which a worker performs daily press, unless it is also a horror writer: José María Marcos does both, has twenty years of journalism and began publishing last three books of horror. Mark has published three books: Memories parasites, written with his brother Charles in 2007 and always hungry ghosts launched in December 2010. Marcos siblings also direct the bite imprint Dead.
- Why did you choose terror as a genre?
-terror, or contemporary horror is a genre that is seen evil socially interests me because it transgresses boundaries of common sense and thought provoking things differently. It allows us to take reality and smash it with a chainsaw in order to put it together again, as explained by British author Clive Barker. As for the contemporary, I am interested in taking a look today, my stories are facts that can happen today.
- What things are reflected in Ezeiza Ghosts ... ?
"I was born in Uribelarrea (Cañuelas), I lived in La Plata and Capital, live long in Ezeiza. My story is a bit on each side. In the story''El Gordo''is a guy who needs to lose weight and his father decided to tie him to not eat for a couple of months. I imagine that story in the Linda Vista neighborhood, in my mind was on those streets, then I changed the name to the city. My stories have that mixture of places where people can find things they read Ezeiza Uribelarrea or Capital.
- What were your literary influences?
"The influences are things that one I hit. I was touched by stories of Ernesto Sabato, Enrique Medina and Stephen King. They were storytellers who work with clear and direct language. They were my first great love of literature.
- How do you perceive the relationship between journalism and literature?
-journalism works on the social agenda, the diurnal, shared hopes. The literature that addresses the issue chose night life nightmares. Are aspects that journalism can not address. The journalist talks about the shared dreams, and literature shared nightmares.
- Tell me about the editorial Bite Dead?
"It created a stamp with my brother Carlos. He is interested in erotic literature, to me the horror. We named it "bites" by erotic collection and "Dead" by terror, but we like literature in general create the library "Neither Dead Nor Bite", where they enter other streams. Immaculate launched by Carlos, a work erotic Ghosts ... , terror, and Weightless , delusional realism written by Fernando Figueras. We try to create a seal to address these literary movements that do not treat other publishers with high quality books and contemporary authors dealing with these genres today.
(*) in April 2011.
![]() |
Generation XXI. April 2011. |
Ghosts, zombies and grim houses do not seem to be a material with which a worker performs daily press, unless it is also a horror writer: José María Marcos does both, has twenty years of journalism and began publishing last three books of horror. Mark has published three books: Memories parasites, written with his brother Charles in 2007 and always hungry ghosts launched in December 2010. Marcos siblings also direct the bite imprint Dead.
- Why did you choose terror as a genre?
-terror, or contemporary horror is a genre that is seen evil socially interests me because it transgresses boundaries of common sense and thought provoking things differently. It allows us to take reality and smash it with a chainsaw in order to put it together again, as explained by British author Clive Barker. As for the contemporary, I am interested in taking a look today, my stories are facts that can happen today.
- What things are reflected in Ezeiza Ghosts ... ?
"I was born in Uribelarrea (Cañuelas), I lived in La Plata and Capital, live long in Ezeiza. My story is a bit on each side. In the story''El Gordo''is a guy who needs to lose weight and his father decided to tie him to not eat for a couple of months. I imagine that story in the Linda Vista neighborhood, in my mind was on those streets, then I changed the name to the city. My stories have that mixture of places where people can find things they read Ezeiza Uribelarrea or Capital.
- What were your literary influences?
"The influences are things that one I hit. I was touched by stories of Ernesto Sabato, Enrique Medina and Stephen King. They were storytellers who work with clear and direct language. They were my first great love of literature.
- How do you perceive the relationship between journalism and literature?
-journalism works on the social agenda, the diurnal, shared hopes. The literature that addresses the issue chose night life nightmares. Are aspects that journalism can not address. The journalist talks about the shared dreams, and literature shared nightmares.
- Tell me about the editorial Bite Dead?
"It created a stamp with my brother Carlos. He is interested in erotic literature, to me the horror. We named it "bites" by erotic collection and "Dead" by terror, but we like literature in general create the library "Neither Dead Nor Bite", where they enter other streams. Immaculate launched by Carlos, a work erotic Ghosts ... , terror, and Weightless , delusional realism written by Fernando Figueras. We try to create a seal to address these literary movements that do not treat other publishers with high quality books and contemporary authors dealing with these genres today.
(*) in April 2011.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sympathy Quotes On Flowers
click on the image to enlarge and download to your PC.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Kate Nute Kateplayground
The world of Pilar Alberdi
The author resides in Rincon de la Victoria (Malaga, Spain) and, in addition to Land Esmeralda. the magic sphere, has just launched Butterfly Wings (Editorial Casals, 2011). Among others, have been awarded prizes: Ciudad de Segovia (Segovia, 1997); Lazarillo TCE-chamber theater and rehearsal-(Manzanares, Ciudad Real, 2000) and II Story Award, Feria del Libro de Madrid, Plaza & Janes Editores (Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2000). He was a finalist in: Premio de Novela Corta Felipe Trigo (Villanueva de la Serena, Badajoz, 2010), VIII International Competition Fantasy Miniature micro story (Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2010); IV Hispano Call Classic Horror and Zombies, DH Publishing (Vigo, Spain, 2010), Ciudad de La Laguna Story (La Laguna, Tenerife 1998) and Juan Martin Short Story Sauras (Andorra, Teruel 1999). His stories have been selected in various anthologies: Editorial Short Story Contest III hypallage (Seville, 2010), Third Prize for stories Editions Beta (Bilbao, 2009); Award Orol Experiences: Experiences 150 and 150 authors (Ediciones Orol, Madrid, Spain , 2010) and VI Award in the Storage Pumpkins: Forests (Editorial Bag of Bones, Valladolid, 2010).
- When started writing?
"The first poem I wrote for twelve years and published in a English magazine. Before that, I remember in elementary school I was very interested Platero and I, Juan Ramón Jiménez. A couple of years before writing the poem cited above, I read in an encyclopedia in installments that could be bought in Argentina, a Japanese haiku that read something like: "At the last moment, / a gesture of piety, / do not you forget. " Were the words of an emperor to a soldier. About the same time, I read an excerpt from The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway, who greatly impressed me. The effort to get that old its purpose, and child support seemed overwhelming. And I was trapped forever in the literature. If I start thinking about my life, I would say that these two texts, and many others, but those two in particular come to have special significance.
The full interview HERE
"The great thing is a look
differently about our world"
By José María Marcos
INSOMNIA Exclusive
to INSOMNIA, author and psychologist Pilar Alberdi (Argentina, 1954) spoke of his passion for books and the recent launch in Spain of Land Esmeralda. The magic sphere (Worlds Epic Publishing Group, 2011), a book aimed at the youth, seeks to be the tip of the iceberg of a series of stories that take place in a world linked to the Homeric figurations. The author resides in Rincon de la Victoria (Malaga, Spain) and, in addition to Land Esmeralda. the magic sphere, has just launched Butterfly Wings (Editorial Casals, 2011). Among others, have been awarded prizes: Ciudad de Segovia (Segovia, 1997); Lazarillo TCE-chamber theater and rehearsal-(Manzanares, Ciudad Real, 2000) and II Story Award, Feria del Libro de Madrid, Plaza & Janes Editores (Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2000). He was a finalist in: Premio de Novela Corta Felipe Trigo (Villanueva de la Serena, Badajoz, 2010), VIII International Competition Fantasy Miniature micro story (Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2010); IV Hispano Call Classic Horror and Zombies, DH Publishing (Vigo, Spain, 2010), Ciudad de La Laguna Story (La Laguna, Tenerife 1998) and Juan Martin Short Story Sauras (Andorra, Teruel 1999). His stories have been selected in various anthologies: Editorial Short Story Contest III hypallage (Seville, 2010), Third Prize for stories Editions Beta (Bilbao, 2009); Award Orol Experiences: Experiences 150 and 150 authors (Ediciones Orol, Madrid, Spain , 2010) and VI Award in the Storage Pumpkins: Forests (Editorial Bag of Bones, Valladolid, 2010).
- When started writing?
"The first poem I wrote for twelve years and published in a English magazine. Before that, I remember in elementary school I was very interested Platero and I, Juan Ramón Jiménez. A couple of years before writing the poem cited above, I read in an encyclopedia in installments that could be bought in Argentina, a Japanese haiku that read something like: "At the last moment, / a gesture of piety, / do not you forget. " Were the words of an emperor to a soldier. About the same time, I read an excerpt from The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway, who greatly impressed me. The effort to get that old its purpose, and child support seemed overwhelming. And I was trapped forever in the literature. If I start thinking about my life, I would say that these two texts, and many others, but those two in particular come to have special significance.
The full interview HERE
Monday, March 28, 2011
How Do I Know If I Need To Use Magnum Condoms
A new world and medieval
By José María Marcos
Exclusive INSOMNIA (*)
Emerald Land. The magic sphere (Worlds Epic Publishing Group, 2011), Pilar Alberdi, auspiciously inaugurates a narrative universe, joining a long tradition provides elements that are worth highlighting. Enrolling in the current
known as heroic fantasy, and aimed at a teenage audience, the book successfully fulfills the requirements of the genre, showing original fantastic and mythological creatures like the mysterious noctiluca, the evil Arácknee or Qheimera old and tired, in a medieval setting, with a strong magical and epic.
Wasting no time, the narrator's voice-in-announces Fidelius type readers who will be attending the birth privileged Emerald Land (or the lineage of smaragdos), known as the Three Kingdoms (Mytos, Circe and Artemis ), the three lineages (Smaragd, Akhéetes and Rubin) and the three libraries. Then warns that these lands arose from fear Ténebrus race of which, like the great despots do not support knowledge and, therefore, have destroyed all books at your fingertips, repeating a sad practice that can be found from time when the emperor ruled China Qin Shi Huang (in the year 212 BC) until the late twentieth century in Nazi Germany or the Chilean and Argentine dictatorships.
After outlining the main lines of this battle between good and evil, with a strong symbolic and where a book can change the destiny of humanity, Fidelius reveals that "it is Therefore, the history of early settlers and the girl who gave birth to the legend and then became a princess and later queen. "
Then the scribe introduces other characters, who are gaining importance as are the pages, thus forming a choral work that attempts to show that the most profound transformations are achieved through the summation of small noble deeds. And this is something that readers enjoy, because every action is the central story, and even the jailer gibbus-alienated and degraded by Lupus Ténebrus forces-can be key to the victory of good.
Moreover, and contrary the traditional male dominance in these adventures, the author provides very strong female characters, such as Emerald own who must reject or accept their fate in the days to come, and his sister Agatha and Ruby, who will begin a long march along the old Egregius vetulus Magus, a magician who knows maybe its main mission is not to create wonders supernatural, but to propose dialogue Rhéetores Council as a way of consensus to build a common destiny. Nor need the brave young at heart and that girls can fall in love: in this case it is Akótlythos, who falls prey to the castle, manages to flee, and common boy becomes a reference and a crucial turn of events. Among the infamous Arácknee stands, with its spider spies, and the corrupt and petty Shadow, servile merchant tyrant. And more, of course.
In the introduction, Fidelius says that "this story is a continuation of others and anticipating the next." Readers will surely take note of these words, for Lands Esmeralda. The magic sphere is a valuable work by reading the key relationships in fantastic and also the proposal for a future that his readers will appreciate Kéleuthos following the path of "one for which peers belong together."
(*) Insomnia No. 160. April 2011. HERE
By José María Marcos
Exclusive INSOMNIA (*)
Emerald Land. The magic sphere (Worlds Epic Publishing Group, 2011), Pilar Alberdi, auspiciously inaugurates a narrative universe, joining a long tradition provides elements that are worth highlighting. Enrolling in the current
known as heroic fantasy, and aimed at a teenage audience, the book successfully fulfills the requirements of the genre, showing original fantastic and mythological creatures like the mysterious noctiluca, the evil Arácknee or Qheimera old and tired, in a medieval setting, with a strong magical and epic.
Wasting no time, the narrator's voice-in-announces Fidelius type readers who will be attending the birth privileged Emerald Land (or the lineage of smaragdos), known as the Three Kingdoms (Mytos, Circe and Artemis ), the three lineages (Smaragd, Akhéetes and Rubin) and the three libraries. Then warns that these lands arose from fear Ténebrus race of which, like the great despots do not support knowledge and, therefore, have destroyed all books at your fingertips, repeating a sad practice that can be found from time when the emperor ruled China Qin Shi Huang (in the year 212 BC) until the late twentieth century in Nazi Germany or the Chilean and Argentine dictatorships.
After outlining the main lines of this battle between good and evil, with a strong symbolic and where a book can change the destiny of humanity, Fidelius reveals that "it is Therefore, the history of early settlers and the girl who gave birth to the legend and then became a princess and later queen. "
Then the scribe introduces other characters, who are gaining importance as are the pages, thus forming a choral work that attempts to show that the most profound transformations are achieved through the summation of small noble deeds. And this is something that readers enjoy, because every action is the central story, and even the jailer gibbus-alienated and degraded by Lupus Ténebrus forces-can be key to the victory of good.
Moreover, and contrary the traditional male dominance in these adventures, the author provides very strong female characters, such as Emerald own who must reject or accept their fate in the days to come, and his sister Agatha and Ruby, who will begin a long march along the old Egregius vetulus Magus, a magician who knows maybe its main mission is not to create wonders supernatural, but to propose dialogue Rhéetores Council as a way of consensus to build a common destiny. Nor need the brave young at heart and that girls can fall in love: in this case it is Akótlythos, who falls prey to the castle, manages to flee, and common boy becomes a reference and a crucial turn of events. Among the infamous Arácknee stands, with its spider spies, and the corrupt and petty Shadow, servile merchant tyrant. And more, of course.
In the introduction, Fidelius says that "this story is a continuation of others and anticipating the next." Readers will surely take note of these words, for Lands Esmeralda. The magic sphere is a valuable work by reading the key relationships in fantastic and also the proposal for a future that his readers will appreciate Kéleuthos following the path of "one for which peers belong together."
(*) Insomnia No. 160. April 2011. HERE
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
A Gold Desert Bb Gun For Sale
Sexy cards I have asked for them, so here I leave a selection with illustrations of this great Brazilian artist is CRIS DE LARA ... Here are some, I hope they are helpful, friendly.
Sexy cards I have asked for them, so here I leave a selection with illustrations of this great Brazilian artist is CRIS DE LARA ... Here are some, I hope they are helpful, friendly.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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