Cracks in the architecture of
By José María Marcos
Exclusive INSOMNIA (*)
Argentine writer Alberto Ramponelli interesting work has been developing strongly linked to the best Latin American fantastic literature from the perspective of the poet Maria Negroni, is "derived from the literature Gothic ( fantastic Gallery, 2009). Moron
Born in 1950, the author has created fictions where arcane ways of seeing the world interact, complement and collide with reason, and has published five titles: the story books From the side there (1990) and A custom Oceania (2006) and The last fire novels (2001), comes with night (2005) and Notes for a biography (2009). Ramponelli
edited the magazine Other doors (1993-1997) and coordinates writing workshops since 1985. Clarín Award finalist for Best Novel (1998) and received the Third Award of City of Cordoba Luis Tejada (2007). The National Arts Fund (FNA) distinguished him in Fiction (1996 and 2008) and Carol (1998 and 2004), and chose to integrate anthology 50 th Anniversary of the FNA (2008). He lives in Moron, is married and has three children (Javier, Augustine and Stephen). Speaking to
INSOMNIA , told how his training, gave an overview of his five books, talked about the importance of fantasy literature, said Stephen King "has an enviable narrative grip I've seen very few writers" and referred to the recent adaptation drama of his story "Labyrinth." He stressed that his teachers were Jorge Luis Borges, William Faulkner and Franz Kafka.
The full interview HERE
(*) Insomnia No. 161. May 2011.
Alberto Ramponelli at 37 º Feria del Libro de Buenos Aires (2011). |
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