In INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY Greetings to all women in this room of friends and the world, and reinvindico women who fight for the promotion of equality and gender equity.
For women who struggle against male chauvinism and he kills women and ending gender violence , for the right to his body, no violations by the change in media and advertising misuse consciously or unconscious, create and transmit images and sexist and discriminatory against women, changing cultural patterns, particularly in our Latin America where the female stereotype is the woman without hierarchy, by the end of discrimination and prejudice for failing to comply with stereotypes of advertising models for a salary equal to man and not a 40% lower for the mere fact of being women, for their right to study and work to develop their intellectual equal, for their right to life and dignity without being reduced to slavery, servitude , trafficking and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
Protecting mothers of the world, girls and adolescents from all forms of neglect, kidnapping, state of vulnerability, abuse or physical violence, psychological, moral or sexual commercial exploitation, labor, economic and hazardous work , and have a better world where the family will be strengthened and allowed to flourish so the best condition women to balance the world.
Women will be chaired by former President of Chile Michelle Bachetlet and formally start operations from January 1, 2011. Argentina integrate
The Executive Board is the governing body of the institution whose role is to oversee and provide intergovernmental support for its operational activities. Argentina has one of the highest rates of female participation in public affairs, so it will work with Bachelet to carry out the slope, which is no small achieve equality between men and women.
And my special appreciation to the Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo , a symbol of women who struggle against genocide and abuse of authority by non-violent.
Worldwide, they are revered and esteemed as an example of greatness, courage, love and struggle in defense of human rights. The white scarf is a symbol that identifies the world the struggle of many mothers and grandmothers who still continue walking the painful road of not knowing where your children and grandchildren and have done with the utmost dignity and peaceful methods.
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